
Code 005 – How to Find a Virtual Assistant with Sam Kabert

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How to Find a Virtual Assistant

Sam Kabert is on the podcast to share his best tips on finding your first virtual assistant.  Sam is an expert in working with VA’s and hosts the Clone Yourself Podcast where he shares the exact steps you need to get started.  Sam also talks about his other passions including his Soul Seeker Podcast and natural medicine has been a game changer for him.


Show notes with Sam Kabert

02:00 – Swag Works is one of Sam’s main brands. 

02:50 – The Clone Yourself Podcast is where I first ran across Sam.

10:45 – ROI of a VA is Sam’s sheet that gives you an idea when to start.

11:30 – Start with Why by Simon Sinek is a book the Sam recommends.

12:30 – The Time audit worksheet which shows you where you are using your time each week.

14:00 – Free Up is where Sam goes to find his VA’s.  You can put weekly and hourly limits on VA’s.   

15:00 – Here’s Sam’s podcast on finding a VA,  The Clone Yourself Podcast. The first 15 episodes walk you through the steps to getting your first VA.  

24:10 – The Silicon Valley 40 under 40 club.

37:30 – The Soul Seeker podcast is Sam’s outlet away from work.  We hear how sam was able to get out of depression and lead a greater life.

40:30 – Fit For Service is the current mastermind group that is changing Sam’s life.

42:00 – Check out the What the Health documentary that talks about some of the issues the American people.  

42:40 – I talked about Jimmy and Remix My Fitness.  

48:30 – We talk about the New Rich and Tim Ferris.  Find the number that you need to live the life you need.

53:30 – How to open up doors and increase sales with podcast.  Plus Sam has a mastermind group.


You can find Sam at the Clone Yourself Podcast.



sam kabert

Conclusion with Swag Sam

Swag Sam shares the tips to get your first VA.  Find out how a VA can take care of podcast editing, show notes, artwork and all of the misc things that you should be outsourcing so you can get the work you love completed.  If you haven’t herd about virtual assistants yet then this is going to be a great show to get you started.


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