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Code 009 – How to Nail Branding for Your Business with Michael O’Neal

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Branding for Your Business

Michael O’neil, the host of the Solopreneurhour podcast is on to share some great tips and stories about building a brand online.  We find out how to become a pro, the six mistakes to avoid as a pro podcaster and some automation hacks that will keep you going strong.

Show Notes with Michael O’neal

02:30 – Michael’s rennch.com site is where he renovates old Porsche’s .

05:30 – Michael hung out with Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income early on in his online career.

09:45 – We talk about Kartra and the resource of what they do.

13:55 – Here’s the video of the Six Huge Podcast mistakes to avoid.

18:00 – Traffic and Conversion conference and Ryan Levesque’s book Ask were noted here.  

19:35 – Art of the Interview is Michael’s course.

22:45 – Derek Halpern from Social Triggers

23:35 – Social Jukebox is a good tool for sharing old content.

27:15 – I note Hindenburg and the power for editing your podcast.  You can take a look at Hindenburg Pro here.

29:35 – Here are a couple of the automations that Michael has on youtube.

31:15 – Conference Topia is another of Michael’s resources online.

39:00 – The Sexy 7 Books that Michael Recommends

41:45 – Steve Simms and Blue Fishing was a great book

55:15 – Snarky Puppy and a few other key drummers

57:00 – PodFest and Social Media Marketing World and Traffic and Conversion in San Diego


You can find Michael at the SoloPreneurHour Podcast.

solopreneur hour


Resources Noted in the Show

Ask by Ryan Levesqu


Blue Fishing by Steve Simms

blue fishing


Videos Noted in the Show

Us and Them by Pink Floyd (Scott Page Blows it Up Here)


6 Huge Mistake to Avoid


Productivity Hacks 


Six Mistakes that will kill your podcast

The Sexy 7 Must Have Books

Conclusion with Michael O’Neal

Michael shares some of his best tips on automation and productivity, podcasting, branding and a lot more.  Find out how to introduce your guest correctly and why it’s so important.  If you do these things right, the pros will notice and you will get better guests.

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