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Code 027 – How to Write a Podcast Description – Launch, Grow and Monetize a Podcast Series – Episode 2

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How to Write a Podcast Description Introduction

Today, I talk focus on some tips so you know how to write a podcast description.  I share the steps to writing a great podcast description todays on the podcast.   This is with the focus on our launch of We Speak Trout.  I also talk about our other steps and tasks that are do this week on the podcast.


Show Notes – How to Write a Podcast Description 

01:30 – I note Go Daddy and Fly wheel.   OutdoorsOnline.com/flywheel

02:30 – I noted Pete McBride who I interviewed on the Wet Fly Swing Podcast here.  We dig into Martins boat.

03:20 – The 30 day podcast challenge

04:30 – The Podcast Host talk

Tasks this week for We Speak Trout:

  1. Record the first episode – Dave and Greg
  2. talk about the formatting of the podcast – Dave and Greg
  3. Write a Podcast Description – Dave’s Task
  4. Work on Artwork – Greg’s Task
  5. Create a Calendar of Sponsors – Dave’s Task


How to write a podcast description

  1. who is it for
  2. what will they get out of the show
  3. who are the hosts of the show
  4. what to expect –
  5. How long should it be – 600 characters is ok



Resources Noted

30 Day start a podcast challenge


how to write a podcast description

Click here to grab the PDF Podcast Transcript


How to Write a Podcast Description Conclusion

I share some tips today with a focus on learning how to write a podcast description.  We are building up to the launch of the new We Speak Trout podcast and you’ll follow the journey to launch your own podcast.


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